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Motorvehicle accident lawyer

Most reputable auto accident lawyers

One of the most reputable auto accident lawyers in Ontario is our motor vehicle lawyer in Toronto. Over the past 25 years, our attorneys have fought for thousands of clients, and our record of success speaks for itself. Our attorneys handle all types of auto accident claims in Toronto, including those involving defective vehicles, and take on the burden of seeking compensation while you concentrate on your rehabilitation. When defending clients in court, our staff collaborates with insurers, professionals, and medical facilities to make sure they receive all the compensation or accident benefits which they are due.

claim Against Insurance Company

Make a claim against your own insurance company

The initial claim is made against your own insurance provider for a variety of benefits, including rehabilitation for accidents-related physical and mental injuries, attendant care at home to help you with personal care, and income replacement benefits if you missed more than seven days of work.

Whether or whether you were at fault for the accident, everyone hurt in a motor vehicle collision is entitled to Accident Benefits.

Within seven days of the accident, you must inform your insurance provider of your injuries and let them know you want to file for accident benefits. Your ability to receive benefits could be delayed if there is a delay in notice.

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